sábado, 6 de março de 2010

May to September, 2009: Striping all the old Paint from the Cabin

This was a reallty dirty task, to Strip all the old Paint from the Cabin. It consumed me long and hard time.
It wasn't really 4 months working but just 2 months, just 4 hours per weekend, ie. around 32 hours. In the mean time during the beach holidays, I had the inspiring experience of reading the book VERY WILLING GRIFFIN by David Blagden. This book describes day by day the experiency of crossing the atlantic in a 19 feet  Hunter19 boat, in the 1972 Transat race.
The old paint was really in bad shape and look, breaking a lot, so I decided to remove it all.
First I tried with a quimical but didn't work well, then I tried an orbital sander but also didn't work well since the old paint was a very hard gel coat and finally I used a grinder. GRP start to appear !

  If you plan todo this kind of task with a grind (or not) I strongly advice you to use a professional plastic mask , It makes the difference.

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