sábado, 6 de março de 2010

December Till February: Sanding for Paint preparation

In the last months I had been sanding the cockpit with grade 60/80 with the orbital sander, as first step of the painting preparation. My litle beautifull daughter Júlia and the wheater (strong winds and rain) didn't let me much time for the boat. 

Today is March 6 and theres a lot to do till the project is finished. More than one year has past since the start, much more time than I iniatialy estimated. The follow steps will be :
1) Sand the rest of deck for paint preparation with 80 and then all the deck again with 120
2) Strip the old antifuling fro the hull
3) Sand Hull for new anti-fuling preparation
4)  Fiber and resin works:
    (4.1) Reinforce desk/hull joint
    (4.2) fiber the bulkheads to the hull
    (4.3) Cover with resin all the holes in the fiber
    (4.4) build another hatch in GRP.
    (4.5) Build the rudder Head with fiber and resign
5) Reifit the seats wood structure and test it in place, but not assembling
6) Build up the cabin ground with plywood, apply epoxy cover and test it up in place, but not assembling
7) Paint the bottom of the cabin with dinbolin
8) Fix the cabin ground with GRP to the hull
9) Paint the cabin with dinbolin
10) Fix the seat structure
11) Paint the primary in Deck and hull
12) Paint the Deck with mono-component in red, using roller and/or brush, or ask a cotation for professional deck and hull spraying.
13) Paint the water line with mono-componente in white, using roller and/or brush, or ask a cotation for professional deck and hull spraying.
14) Paint the Hull in Dark Blue with mono-componente Anti-fuling with copper technology
15) Assemble deck gear, as winches.
16) build up a tiller for the rudder and rudder head

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